Musings of a demented mind

Who is viridis?

I’m not telling you my real name. It’s too boring. :-) As for the meaning of the pseudonym, look around on this webpage and you shall see tones that are mossy, forest, olive, vegetable, pea and sea; “viridis” is the Latin word for the color green.

During the day, I do computer stuff and that’s all you need to know. By night, I work on this page because of my desire for a captive audience for my opinions-muhahahaha! [read as “maniacal laughter”]. After all, why would it matter that a tree fell in a forest if no one were around to see or hear it? Feel free to write in with your comments on my comments.

All aboard!

viridis on men

Contrary to popular belief. I do not hate men! Really, I don’t. Besides, in my line of work, it really wouldn’t be prudent, especially since the overwhelming majority of my colleagues are male. J My main complaint is not with the people themselves; it’s with their actions, the stunts they try to pull and have the gall to believe they can get away with them.

viridis on love

“Friendship is a disinterested commerce between equals; Love, an abject intercourse between tyrants and slaves.”
-Oliver Goldsmith
There is usually a basic inequality in a love relationship-the intensity of the emotion that one feels for another. Even if two people say that they love each other, that love is not equal. More likely than not one feels the kind of emotion that would inspire poetry and bad lyrics. The other would simply say in response, “Yeah, that’s nice.” The former then becomes a slave to these emotions, channeling them into the other person, in a desperate attempt to have them respond in kind. The person on receiving end of these emotions practices a kind of tyranny inadvertently by being more or less indifferent.

Hey, viridis,

Isn’t there anything which makes you happy?

-Not Pollyanna

Dear “Not Pollyanna”, You don’t really believe I spend all day ranting do you? Just most of it ;-)

Things that make me happy, put a smile on my face, make me content-a nice, warm Cinnabon fresh out of the oven. A hassle-free morning commute on an empty train (haven’t you been paying attention?) ;-) A few quiet moments to myself in the morning before facing the day. Cloudy-bright overcast days. Misty gray days. (Yes, there can be something soothing about a day that looks so gloomy.) Days when all the computers are functioning and all seems well in the world. Finding something cute that is on super sale and fits! DSL, which is the working man’s Ethernet. The radio playing a fun song that I haven’t heard in ages. I could go on, but won’t. As you can see, Ms. Pollyanna, this is proof positive that I don’t complain about everything.

Keep smiling,

viridis on football widows (Super Bowl edition)

Women complain about being "widowed" on Super Bowl Sunday. "I've lost my husband to the TV", they whine. "He doesn't even want me around!" Instead of whining about how your honey temporarily abandoned you, you should revel in your new-found freedom. Do your own thing. Go shopping. Hang out with your friends (you rememeber them, right?) Watch what you want on your own TV without having someone else trying to hijack the remote control. Whatever you do, don't whine. Men hate whiny women.

Here's another suggestion which may seem a little radical: develop an appreciation for the sport. Instead of fighting them and resenting them, join them! It's okay for girls to like football! It's an exciting sport to watch, I promise you! as an added bonus, you can admire the cuties like the New York Giants' safety Jason Sehorn! :-)

viridis on valentines, #1

Sometime after New Year's Day, a change occurs; the ubiquitous red and green are replaced by red and pink. Cupid and little teddy bears edge out Santa and his reindeers as this season's mascots.

"Will you be my valentine?" This evokes the imagoe of a sweet, cherubic boy shyly asking a girl in his class to be his beloved for the day. She gleefully accepts, and gives the boy an innocent peck on the cheek. If only it were that simple.

I admit that I once believed in the valentine myth. I wanted to be like the little boy who gives my heart to my secret crush. "Do you like me?" And ideally he would smile and say back, "I like you too". [Cue the romantic music, please.]

It took me years to finally let that fantasy go. The day no longer has any meaning for me. (However, if I write an entry that's happy and hyper two days after Valentine's Day, you'll know that something happened!)

viridis on valentine, #2

Mini-movie review (slight spoiler)
I just went to a free preview of the movie Valetine with that David Boreanaz guy. That movie was bad. It wasn't even scary; it as just full of gratuitous killing shown in unneccessarily gory detail. I could do without seeing someone's throat falling upon broken glass like a dagger, and being left to bleed. More disturbing are the misogynistic tones in the movie. Only one or two of the girls might deserve having such bitterness directed against them. the others are just innocent bystanders.

There was one element of the movie which I liked: Denise Richard's character Paige, the bitchy ballbuster with a sarcastic sense of humor. :-) However, that alone is worth the price of admission. It's not even worth the rental price at Blockbuster! Wait for it on cable, and only then, watch it if you're still up at 2 AM with nothing else better to do.